針對5月27日中國海關總署更新的《符合評估審查要求的國家或地區輸華肉類產品名單》中一則關于“取消阿根廷輸華肉類企業對應關系”的信息,中國肉類協會近兩天收到了幾家企業對此不解的咨詢。為此,中國肉類協會于5月28日下午,與阿根廷駐大使館農業參贊進行了電話溝通,并在電話會后進行了郵件溝通,以下為阿根廷駐華大使館的官方解釋。 中國海關總署更新的信息中關于“取消阿根廷輸華肉類企業對應關系”具體是指什么呢?
“Regarding the publication on the registered meat plantslist made by Customs of China (GACC) on May 27, 2021, the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the People's Republic of China wishes toclarify that the provision ”2. Cancellation of the correlation of work sequence between meat establishments in Argentina “ refers to the fact that from today on GACC understands that as long as the Argentine meat establishments are registered with GACC, slaughter, processing and cold-store plants may work sequentially with each other, and hence the Argentine health authority (SENASA)will not need to inform in advance the work sequence allowed between these Argentine establishments, as has been published and updated periodically untilnow.
In this way, on the one hand, Argentine meat establishments will be able to work sequentially with other registered argentine establishments, and on the other, the authorities aim to speed up the documentation verification process at the entry points to China, since the GACC inspectors should only verify that the Argentine meat establishmentsthat appear in the export health certificate issued by SENASA are included inthe Registered Argentine establishments list, without having to make an additional verification of whether the work sequence between the plants was authorized in advance. “
通過這種方式,一方面,阿根廷肉類企業將能夠與其他已注冊的阿根廷企業任意合作;另一方面,可以加快中國入境口岸的文件核查,從此,中國海關總署在進行查驗時,只需驗證由阿根廷國家農業食品質量衛生局簽發的出口衛生證書中出現的阿根廷肉類企業是否是已經在‘已獲批的阿根廷注冊企業’列表中,而不需審查工廠之間的對應關系是否得到事先獲批。” |