新鄉市朝東食品廠位于河南省新鄉市榆東開發區南5公里,主營雞汁素腸休閑零食筋頭巴腦系列(肉味面筋)等。公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎惠顧! East of Xinxiang city food factory is located 5 kilometers south of Xinxiang City, Yu Dong Development Zone of Henan Province, the main chicken sauce vegetarian sausage snacks bar head and brain series (meat gluten) etc.. Companies adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "to provide quality service to customers first" principle to provide our clients. Welcome to patronize!