On 29,June,2019, BIObase successfully participated in 2019 FIME Exhibition in Miami beach,Florida. We wongreat success at this year’s FIME. And sold out following products at theexhibition: Autoclave:BKM-Z24B LaminarFLow Cabinet: BBS-V600 BiochemistryAnalyzer: BK-200MINI 2019年6月29日,BIObase成功參展了美國邁阿密FIME展會,收獲頗豐。下面產品被搶購一空: 滅菌器: BKM-Z24B 潔凈臺: BBS-V600 生化儀: BK-200MINI FIME will be relocating back to its permanent home in Miami Beach this year. For 28 years,Florida International Medical Expo(FIME) has brought you new andrefurbished medical equipment, hospital technology, products and supplies. Fromstate-of-the-art imaging equipment to the most cost-effective certified preownedmedical equipment, FIME continues to be the leading healthcare businessplatform across the Americas and the whole world. 美國國際醫療設備展(FIME)每年一屆,至今已有28年的歷史。FIME的展會特點是地區性和國際性兼備,除了主要來自美國佛州的參展商和專業觀眾外,歷屆展會利用邁阿密毗鄰加勒比海的特殊地理位置,吸引了大量來自南美國家的參展商和專業觀眾,因為許多產品是通過邁阿密轉口至加勒比海地區國家的。舉辦展會,更加能吸引更多的醫療行業人士,而這讓展商找到了更大的商機。 Exhibitionproducts for this time lines a wide range of medical & laboratory productsfrom general to subpision. Biological safety cabinets, Autoclave,Biochemistry Analyzers, Medical Refrigerator, Sterilizers, Hematology analyzer,Elisa reader etc independently researched and developed by BIObase attracted agreat attention overseas customers during this exhibition, lighting a way forthe human health advancement. 此次展會,我們BIObase展團帶來的產品覆蓋了醫療和實驗室產品,包括安全柜、滅菌器、生化儀、冷藏箱、血細胞分析儀、酶標儀等18個產品類別,給客戶帶來了直觀的視覺沖擊,吸引了廣大海外展商一波接一波的來參觀,洽談合作,現場購買等,活動熱潮此起彼伏。在博科的生命健康道路上,又添加了一筆。 BIObase will insist on high quality products and thoughtful service to ensure thedevelopment of international market. We have every reason to believe thatBIObase's internationalization will be better and better. 自此,BIObase將以更優質的產品和更高效的服務,保證和發展國際市場。博科的國際化道路必將帶給您日新月異的精彩呈現,歡迎一起見證! |